
Friday 4 January 2013

Boring gila kot minggu ni. Aiseyman! No homework, no assignment. This is IPG life actually, at the beginning of semester; you are as free as bird. By end of semester, you won’t be able to lay your head on proper pillow.
Here I am, stucking my finger on keyboards, passing time.

I want to share about this band. I love their songs, I love their voices, I love their synchronization.


I used to listen to their songs when I am nervous while having test, when I am alone and scare, they give me strength.

Haha~ strength ke? Sebenarnya, aku boring, sebab dorang ada lagu baru, dat’s why I listen to their songs. Till one day, I will be bored jugak. Lagipun lagu dorang macam best, tak heavy or tak slow sangat. Tapi ada je yang slow2, yang bingit sikit music, tapi most of the time, their songs is nice.

These are some of their songs which I favour
~Little thing
~I wish
~Last first kiss
~Same mistakes
~They don’t know about us
~Up all night
~Heart Attack
~C’mon c’mon
~Rock me
And so on.

One Direction was a X-Factor US participant, they didn’t win the competition but they DID actually become world famous boy band. Some US singers such as The Wanted and Justin Bieber hold grudges against them but what to do, 1D really is a great boy band. They sing very well.

Which of them is my favourite? Well, I prefer Zayn Javadd Malik or Zayn Malik. But my friend, Preet said he looks like a gay. Kuang ajar punya kawan. Haha. Zayn Malik kemain lagi handsome, kau cakap dia gay. He has mixed heritage, Pakistani father and local mother. He is muslim but muslim jenis apa, I don’t know. He got tattoos, he got earrings, he played with dogs, he drinks and do what Islam forbids. Still, he has lovely voice!
Zayn Malik on live while we're young mv
Next, I like Harry Styles although I totally hate he’s into relationship with Taylor Swift! What on earth?! I can’t wait to see dorang putus, nak tgok lagu apa yang Taylor Swift akan tulis kat dia. Minah tu kuang asam tulis lagu We Are Never Getting Back Together untuk Taylor Lautner skrg ni dia tengah seduce Harry. Tau la Harry kaya, famous, and obviously ada 6 packs. Amazingly, Harry got sexy voice. Serak2 sikit. Best! Walaupun muka dia macam kanak2 spastic sikit. Haha~Sorry Harry!

Harry Styles

Liam, Niall and Louis the other three.

Well, you guys should try and listen to their songs!

One Direction 

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