
Tuesday 17 January 2012


Assalamualaikum dan Selamat Sejahtera olllzzz...

My topic for today is BAD LUCK. My new year is started by having so many bad luck with I encounter no good to my health. HOMAIIII!!! Lucky I dont have heart-attack which may need me to DIE!! My bad luck started when I lost the person which I dear, I care the most in my humble life. I was and still stress thinking about that person. How could you forget the person that you heart so much in a blink of eye? Besides, that person has been stuck and nailed and glued tightly in my mind, my heart and my soul. It is an impossible mission to forget that person. When i think of that person again, days and nights, my heart flutters and hurt. That person has been with me for many years. We have gone through storm, rain, sun, and rainbow together. I dont forget that person, I cant! Although that person has gone, that person would live, everyday smiling for me in my own memory. 

Next, the very next day, January 2, I had to re-do my Identity card as I had lost it. I found it nowhere. Then, someone said, You better go and do a new one. You are going to register at IPG later. Listening to him, I went to Police Station to make a report then straight to PEJABAT PENDAFTARAN NEGARA. I was shocked knowing that I had to pay RM110. Luckily, I brought my Matrix card, therefore I got less RM50.

Later not long after that, I lost my handphone. The loss had been estimated around RM200. Oh dear, what a bad luck.

After that, my laptop charger made me in trouble again. It was damaged and my laptop cannot stand without having the charger. So, I had to buy a new one. It cost me RM90.

Today, another bad luck kiss my soul. I have been sick and got to pay RM50 for the bill. Ya ALLAH, the note was the last note in my purse. Now, I ve only have RM1. Fortunately, Chinese New Year holidays start this week, so I dont need to use money to survive in this blessed IPG.

All together, I have lost and used RM400 for only 18 days in January.

I dont know what else would be broken or what else waits ahead me. I have no single idea about that. Therefore, I start my day thinking what other bad luck would cost me today.  I am at no peace. Things happen because of hidden reason, but I cannot think and it is beyond my mind to estimate whether there is a silver line waiting for me at the end of the day. Yes, I admit that I am stronger now. I dont cry much except when I think of that person. Thats not the matters, right? After all, feeling is something to be expressed not hidden. That makes me a NORMAL human. ;)

I hope that there would be no more bad luck in my life. I am afraid I cant take it and start to blame Allah for giving me so much hardship. I am too afraid to think about that. For that reason, dear Allah, please protect me. Save me from going astray from your path. Please, be with me always.

Hanya kepada Allah daku berserah dan hanya pada Allah daku memohon pertolongan.


  1. dear dora,
    u've gone through a lot this month...
    poor you *hugsss*

    i know u r strong!!
    i hope u still are...
    if u ever feel week, God is always there for u..
    keep praying and asking strength from Him..
    insyaAllah, u'll see the hikmah of all..and you would definitely smile after that =)

    hang in there ya dora...xoxo

  2. Dear Miss Amrien,
    thank you so much,spending your time to read my entries.. hukhuk.. Terharuuu~~^^

    Thanks too for the encouraging words **tears2**
    it helps me to be more stronger.

    p/s: Miss,,,don't forget to eat the cheesecake~ I don't know what it tastes like and I don't know too either you like cheese or not. It is my first time doing it.Therefore, I hope you would be my first person eating it ^^
