
Wednesday 6 May 2015


Finally, this is the only time where i got the chance to write about my loveliessssss . I got class at 12 so, i got nothing to do for the next two hours, and here i am, writing what i should have written for loooooong time ago.

My 3-month-practicum has been successfully ended and hell yeah- i am more than happy but, i feel crappier than ever. i am relieved that i got to turn my back to thoseee unpleasant creatures but now, when i think about it, i got to lose something precious for me, which are, the smiles of my students and the unexpected conversations from those i cherished. Undoubtedly, i miss teaching my zombie 4 IS and the most naughtiest 3 IS. This is what mama had said to both munee and i- she said that we are going to miss the 3 months memories, and that is damn right.

I miss it when munee and i were both arrived at parking lot, the images of baby or comel came straight into our eyes. we cant help from smiling like a fool. yeah, we are a fool to them! how to resist these two monsters?? they are tooooo adorb! and how could we resist to feel happy when we saw a glimpse of sweetheart passing through, whats more unbearable is if he is smiling to us!! OH MY GADDDDD!! it was a bless in disguise, like seriously, in the hellish school, at least there were these three angels that would make our day better. and that not includes Salman, he is sooooo cheekyyyy i wanna squeezzzeeeee him until his eyeballs popped out from his sockets. he is too cute la. no, the way that he treats us like,, we are his friends and we have mutual understanding. even though he treats us like that, he still knows the line of teacher and student, unlike some others. and i miss talking to my girls and tease them about their 'so-called-boyfriend'. (mata ke atas, tangan ke bahu). hahahaha,
but i dont mind la, they are just kids and one day they will realise that whoever they like right now, they will regret it in future, haha, nasib baik yuyan x minat sape2, if he does like other people, i will korek eyeballs dia and bagi makan ikan kat belakang rumah dia. hahaha

actually, there were lotsa nightmare dekat sekolah tu,, tapi,, let bygone be bygone. tak guna jugak nak ungkit masa lampau, it was useless.. what i wanna hold tightly right now, is the feeling of lingering miss ive felt towards the school. sumpah rindu nak g makan kat kantin masa rehat, sambil2 tgok budak-budak (eheemmm ehhheeemm) terbatuk pulak i. hahahaha. sebenarnya, trick g makan masa budak rehat adalah trick paling lame, sebab munee and i just look for particular someone. hahaha, kalau xder someone tu,, mmg kitorg x g makan pom. mana lapar doe pagi2. hhahaha,, gurau je,, saje g makan time rehat sebab nak lepak ngan budak.. sonok kawan ngn budak2, sebab we oso can be budak2 jugak.. and jadi budak2 paling best sebab takyah pikir banyak.. so, that 30 mins is the only time yang we escaped all professionalism mindset and be a kid.

then, smart english. hahaha,, penat kot train budak walaupun i didnt train. but,, tumpang sekaki jer i ni. mane pandai choreograph kot, marah pandailah. tapi,, yang paling kelakar dekat smart english were when tgok uwais najmi and dzulfan buat benda mengarut. sumpah nak campak diorang keluar tingkap! tapi thats what makes us smile. diorang tu punye gila,, sumpah lawak.. hahahahaha. ada sekali tu diorang buat hiptrust yang ntah pape,, gerammmmnyee!! najmi tu suka gelak ngn lawak bodoh.. ntah pape. n bila dia gelak,, dzulfan pom ikot gelak.. sumpah dua orang ni macam belangkas.. tapi okaylah dzulfan baik dengan najmi daripada si wwwwwwwaaaaaaaachhcooommm.. ahh terbersin pulak. pastu kan,, suka tgok diorang gelak dekat sorang budak yang x pandai nari tu.. hahahaha.. jahat gila 2 orang ni.. tapi,, i understand la because i kennot dance. budak tu dah buat terbaik,, tapi tu bukan expertise dia.. so,,i dont want to laugh too,, tapi kekadang kelakar jugak bila tgok dia try too hard. and si najmi ni selalu komplain psal dia. sumpah x baik.. ahhahaha (kite tumpang sekaki jek gelak kat belakang)

lagiiiii~~ huh! malaslah nak tulis panjang2.. nak g jemur baju jap. dah nak kol sebelas. entry lain i will talk about our new family.. :)

but before, lets see my sweethearts!

si baby yang nakal lagi buas lagi nakal lagi bias lagi lagi dan banyak lagi!! :p

si budak manja pastu x nak ngaku manja. haha, pastu bila marah dia merajuk pastu duduk sorang2. aigoo comel

the comel yang mmg x suka ngaku salah pastu bila dia bersalah dia selalu cakap 'huh?' pastu buat muka x bersalah.
sama macam abang dia!


the sweetheart. the dictator one. the eldest. the sweetest. the mengadewest, the suka cari salah orangest. the xnak ngaku salahest. ^^


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