
Friday 17 April 2015


Lotsa bullshit I have been gone through this 3rd practicum. Some of them were unthinkable for me! OMGGG!!
This is the first time I feel like I want to give up upon my life. I hate to be there so much I wish the school would be crushed by Akatsuki or Kakashi senpai should just shoot him with his sharingan. You know, I don’t care at all to do lotsa work, days and nights but please…what I hate the most is the mentality of some people which I could not tolerate at all!!
The kids in my class, they dare to not listen to me during T&L and expect me to be okay. Like **^&%!@#$%^)(*$#%YG#$!!!!! If you don’t wanna study then just go home, don’t even come to school! They even dare to scratch my car!!! I don’t know what kind of monster who have enough foolish gut to do it to their teacher. I mean if you don’t wanna learn, then up to you but don’t disturb my class!!
My hatred towards them are never-ending. I don’t know how I can survive for another two weeks. I don’t even wanna go there, pls…….. plssss….plsssssssss
I also got many hints of hatred from the teacher especially the tututututututttt one. It’s true what they said. THE MORE YOU HAVE THE MORE YOU ACT. Act what? Act like they are the most perfect person in the world and everybody else are just some nullduutt that they can step onto anytime. This is the first school that I don’t even wanna give any single doomoo about what will happen to me. I know I don’t socialize with them, but if I did, I will become more and more popular to be fried by their mouths.
Hey, people! Please la.. if you guys nak ngumpat me pom, do it when I cant hear you or just say it on my freakin face. What, you think if im English teacher then I don’t understand Malay? Motherdook. I also live in Terengganu so please laaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Sebab anda-anda la, tudung aku pakai macam ape singkat sekarang. Sebab kau lah aku x rasa aku nak buat baik langsung sebab xde guna aku nak buat baik sebab ko mmg akan bahan aku macam aku ni cockroaches kan? Yes! Sebab orang-orang yang macam ni aku daripada yang rasa nak buat baik, jadi x nak buat baik langsung. Yes! I AM A REBELIOUS PERSON!!!
Aku memang sakit hati gile ngn jenis orang yang macam ni. SUMPAH. Semua benda yang aku buat xde kaitan ngn kau pom, so ko tak payah nak sibuk ngumpat sat aku. )(&^%!@#$%^&*(.. Tau agama saja je, tapi x amalkan. Ko patut baca surah Baqarah banyak2.. semoga ko menjadi orang yang lebih baik dari semalam,, bukan lagi teruk dari semalam. If kau lagi teruk, kau sama macam mereka yang makan rumput di padang. Eh, aku x baca translate Quran, aku sure ko hafal kan… so… hayatilah benda tuuuuu..
Aku just nak buat kerja aku, ko faham x? aku banyak keje. Aku banyak assignment, aku banyak benda kene fikir. Mungkin lebih banyak dari kau. So, ko boleh x jangan nak pressure aku? It is my life, you know nothing about it so pleaseee… just shut your hole. I don’t wanna know about the stink you’ve made. I know you’ve eaten my bloody meat everyday, but please… do it by yourself. Eat until you’re satisfied. But now please…. LEAVE.ME.ALONE.
And the kids, please stop saying about BOYFRIEND or MARRIED or whatever shoooerrttt you wanna spurted about. If you guys wanna marry, then go ahead. Like I vud give a pupiasdadue. I don’t have any time to think about any men or spend my time chatting or messaging or calling anyone. Hello, I didn’t even call my mom,, so… who the feer need man? I can live alone, okay?
I have enough prob.. I’ve disgusted by some of them.. so please……..

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