
Friday 19 April 2013

SPORT is not a SIN


Huahaha~ it has been long since I update. Having hard time, these days I am. Guess what? EXAM is around the kaki lima. Oh my God.~~ **act worried la konon**. HAHA. I have been reading Dan Browns novel, and reading is so hard when the air is humid and the rain keeps falling. Not to worry, I am about to finish ANGELS & DEMONS, later I want to proceed with THE HOBBIT, borrowed from my classmate and continue with BROWNs THE DA VINCI CODE, THE LOST SYMBOLS, and DECEPTION POINT. Haish,,, cant wait loh.. Brown is so talented at giving me breathless tangle of a thriller.

Actually, my entry this time has nothing to do with reading or any novel what so ever. Its actually about SPORT. You know Ive been injured and yet still until now, my feet doesnt heal properly yet. But I can just resist from playing. Its in my blood. Without my mums knowledge, I sneak playing RUGBY and BADMINTON here. HEHE.

Alright. Actually to those who never try SPORT will say that it is a waste of time. Believe me, you are damn wrong. Sport actually gives you lots and unimaginable benefits. Lemme list a few.

SPORT is an activity where :
1) You can make friends.
2) You could go to new place for any tournaments.
3) You can develop your social skills.
4) You can learn survival skills.
5) You realize that your friends are you, yourself. You are breathing them.
6) You learn whats yours is theirs.
7) You realize that your friends are actually your siblings.
8) You learn to appreciate your moment in life.
9) You fight and breathe to death with your friends.
10) You die fighting or shame losing.

There are so many listed benefits right?

You know, in sport, I learn that what mine are my teammates. We share bottles (drinks), food, tissues, energy and so on. Some people feel unsecure when you share your drink with people, but I think theres no need la to be KEREK kan,, nak geli2 ngan kawan sendiri. They are not drug addicted or AIDS patient pom kan? Paling teruk pom they are just smoking. Kalau straw, maybe I am particular sikit. My girlies boley la kan,, but boys, uh-oh! Those yang I suka je I can take it, those yang I x berapa, I pusingkan upside down the straw. Haha. BIAS!!

Eh, ada cicak tengah main berkejaran.. haha. **out of topic**

Sebenarnya, aku nak cakap yang kalau awak ni baik dengan lelaki or perempuan, itu bukannya batu penanda yang awak ni budak jahat or budak yang social what-so-ever. Bak kata orang, berkawan biar seribu, tapi musuh jangan dicari. Dalam dunia ni , ada macam-macam jenis orang. Aku ni pom x sure lagi aku ni jenis yang macamane. Aku sendiri pom konpius dengan diri aku, orang lain lagilah kan? Ada certain orang yang boley masuk ngan kau kalau kau jenis yang happy-go-lucky, ada jugak orang yang particular gila, sampai nak sentuh pen dia pom dia x boley. So, know your friends and accept them for who they are. OKeh?

And to those yang aku telah mengannoyingkan korang, aku mintak maaf k. Aku akan try ubah perangai aku yang annoying ni. Aku ni cepat terpengaruh ngan orang, kalau orang cucuk aku, cakap ko annoying tahap dewa, aku akan terus jadi x suka ko, walaupom bagi aku ko ni biasa2 jek. Aku sayang korang2 semua. Dan aku mintak maaf k.

OH, last Sunday I went to INSTITUT PENDIDIKAN GURU KAMPUS BAHASA MELAYU, KL for an event there and today, I won the first place in Woman Rugby Touch. Tomorrow is the boys game, so goodluck!
My team (sit) won the 1st place. The Blue team won second. :)

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